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2024-2025 Council Officers

Lansing Council # 3540

  • Knights of Columbus
  • 23_24 State motto
  • Catholic flag
  • 23_24 Insurance Logo
  • @KofC3540Lansing
  • Kasey's
Supreme Office
IL. State Deputy
Council Chaplain
Insurance Agent

Pictured L-R Front Row: Guard Wilde Negrete, Trustee Roger Tyderek, Deputy Grand Knight Joe Scarwacinski, Grand Knight William Benne, Chancellor Tom Lessner.

Pictured L-R Back Row: Guard Greg Morris, Financial Secretary, PGK Pete Marx, Trustee Bob Layne, Treasurer Dean Hope, Guard Howard Morrison, Recorder Peter Tyderek, Guard Rodney Simale.

Not Pictured: Chaplain David Krolczyk and Advocate Michael Cipich.

The Columbian Award,  2023-2024

24 Columbian Award.PNG

The Columbian Award, is for a council's excellence in charitable outreach and programming by requiring them to conduct and report a significant number of programs across four categories: Faith, Family, Community, and Life, essentially demonstrating a commitment to serving their community in various aspects aligned with Catholic values.  On the behalf of Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly, Grand Knight William Benne is given this award for the council efforts for the 2023-2024 fraternal year. (Dec. 2024)

 Grand Knight William Benne (C)
District Deputy Matthew Martinez (R)

Founders Award 2023-2024

The founders award (insurance) is given to those councils who seek to increase the number of Brother Knights aware of the Fraternal Benefits by either meeting or exceeding their member quota. On the behalf of Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly, Grand William Benne is given this award for his efforts for the 2023-2024 fraternal year (Nov. 2024).

Oct24 Founders Award.PNG

Insurance Agent John Blazevich (L) Grand Knight William Benne (C) District Deputy Matthew Martinez (R)

Oct24 Newest member.PNG

October, 2024: Welcome to the council Joel!

September, 2024: Welcome to the council Ron, Brian and Juan!!

Newest members 2024

Newest 4th Degree Sir Knight:

Peter Tyderek!


Knight of the Month of: September, 2024:

PGK Michael Kabala!


Family of the Month: September 2024:

Jeff Rosina & Family!

2023-2024 Grand Knight's awards

Senior of the Year

23_24 Knight of the Year.PNG
23_24 Family of the Year.PNG

Family of the Year

23_24 Family of the Year2.PNG

"Knight" of the Year

23_24 Senior of the Year.PNG

Active Council Membership

If there are any questions, please contact the webmaster. 

The Lansing Council # 3540 meets at KASEY'S see the above link for address location/directions.

Third Degree

Gerald Banach

James P Banasiak 

Harry J Baranowski 

Michael A Barlage

James L Barron

Bruce Barton 

William D. Benne 

Stanley A Bona 

Robert T Borst

Anthony Boutcher

Richard Braze

Daniel J Bukowski 

Edmund J Burgess

Aslan Burnley 

Robert T Burnley 

John J Bush 

Hector Caballero Sr

Garry R Causey  

Jose T Chavez Sr

Andrew T Cipich

Matthew J Cipich

Michael Cipich

Thomas Cipich

Ralph D Clinnin

Michael R Coleman 

Craig A Collins

Michael E Collins

Michael S Collins

Wade Cooper

Ralph C Corriere

James Costello

Harold Couture 

Kenneth G Cuprisin 

Anthony S Cusimano 

Lance Dal Santo 

William J. Denning

James E Detloff

Robert D Di Carlo

Terrance Dillion

James E Dobrez 

Joel Downs

Donald L Drewenski

Robert H Ducett

John Dyrek

Arinze Charles Egbuna

Sebastian Ezechukwu

Dominic Femminella

James T Fill

Brian Fisher

Brian C Fisher

Ronald P Fisher 

Stanley R Fryzel Jr

Patrick J Funchion

Rev Michael Gabriel

Charles J Gaspadarek 

Thomas N Glowacki 

Manuel A Gonzalez 

John A Haney

Richard J Haney

Rev Edward F Harnett

Nicholas Harper

Steven Hausier

Bernard J Healy 

Leo V Hennessy, Jr

Gary A Hildebrandt

Robert R Hilsen

James D Hope

Robert A Horn

Gregory W Howe

Ronald Carl Hudson 

Roger P Hunz

Walter G Jonassen

Michael J Kabala 

Rev Mark Kalema

Thomas A Kapera

Steven L Kasper 

Barry S Kekelik 

Scott A Kielbasinski 

Charles L Kirby

Aloysius F Kleszynski 

Dennis J Kranc 

John L Krismanick

Rev David B Krolczyk

Raymond T Kucynski Jr 

Bruce R Kwoka

John P La Banca  

Robert A Layne 

Gerald J Leick

John D Lejsek 

Michael F Leonard 

Thomas Lessner

Robert F Lewandowski

William Linz 

Martin Liszewski

Tony Los 

Michael Lukacek

Antonio Magana

Matthew P Martinez 

Karl P Marx 

Peter K Marx 

Frank W Maslanka

Joseph C Matlon 

Joel E Mc Carthy

Daniel S Mc Devitt  

George L Mc Namara Jr

Rev John D Merkelis 

Ronald Miazga 

Richard J Mielcarz 

James P Montella 

George Morris

Gregory Morris

Howard C Morrison

Joseph Mosqueda

Serapio Mota

Robert G Mueller 

Carl T Nejma

Aloysius Okonkwo

Thomas Olejniczak

Stanley S Pamedis 

Rafael Paramo

Steve J Piskula

Dominic Podsiadlik 

Dennis R Prisby 

Clifford J Purnell 

Domingo Ramirez

John Reuss

Emil Riccio 

James A Riffice 

Steven R Robinette 

Edward R Rosinski

Jeff Rosina

Michael S Sanchez

Joseph Sarwacinski

Donald P Schiller 

Daniel L Schroeder

Richard A Segally

Christopher A Siatta

Christopher J Siatta 

Ronald J Sienicki

Jordan M Simale

Rodney A Simale 

Rev David J Simonetti

Thomas J Sitkowski Sr

Leonard J Siurek 

Allen K Sizemore 

Arthur R Sobczak

Thomas S Spratt

John R Staib Sr

Donald J Stengel 

Anton Sterker Jr 

John P Stewart 

Edward M Stone 

Dennis M Sullivan

​William S Sundwall 

Nicholas G Swartz 

Kenneth R Swiatek 

Donald S Szala

John D Takish

Daniel J Tiltges

Ronald Trafton 

Thomas L Tucker

Peter Tyderek 

Roger S Tyderek Jr

Donald A Uram 

Ronald J Urbanowski

Anthony J Velligan

Ryan Wauchop 

Jerome Wayman

Joseph H Winblad

Clarence Paul Winter

Patrick J Winters 

Claude J Zajakowski 

Second Degree



First Degree

John Broadwell

Thomas M Brodzik 

Hector Caballero Jr 

Timothy J Caballero 

Lawrence Collins

Leo R Conry Sr 

Francois P Coupet

Thomas D'Anna

David Davila

Dave Erickson

Paul Ferrantelli 

Joshua H Fonseca 

James A Fritza

Joseph Fugger

Steven Garcia

Mark Gerrity

Robert Gorzelanny

Nick A Grigutis 

Peter J Kaminsky

Thomas G Keslin

Robert L Kielbasinski 

Joseph P Koziol 

Robert L Lauer

James P Leonard

Kurt L Marcotte

Daniel T Murzyn 

Kenneth R Novak 

Richard G Okray

Mark Paramo

Robert L Peppers

Dan R Podgorski

Richard J Podgorski

William E Rohaly

John E Sandrick 

Neil C Schroers 

Jonathan B Siatta 

Paul A Stender 

James J Suszynski

Michael P Sweeney

Paul Theruviparampil 

Patrick Ude

Philip A Walsh

Joseph Whitman



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