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The Columbian Ladies of Lansing # 3540 








 Vice President





















Spiritual Chair 




Sunshine Lady





The Columbian Ladies of Lansing # 3540 is an auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus, Lansing Council # 3540. We are a social and charitable organization that assists in promoting the friendship among our members, community and the activities of the Knights of Columbus.



Our Mission Statement:


The Mission of this group is formed by the following objectives:

  • To promote friendship among members and family

  • To participate in Charitable, Church, and Community activities

  • To assist in promoting the welfare of the Lansing Knights of Columbus Council #3540

  • And by giving of a member’s time and energy to the service to others


The History of the Columbian Ladies of Lansing:

The Lansing Columbian Ladies was founded in August, 1963 by the women of the Knights of Columbus, Council # 3540. In general, the ladies auxiliary was formed to fill the concept of family participation in programs and activities sponsored by the Knights. We also participate in local community events and charitable activities.

The Columbian Ladies of Lansing visibility in the community
to date our activities include;

  • Helping with the Intellectual Disability (Tootsie Roll) Drive

  • Knight’s membership drives

  • LARC

  • Memorial mass for the deceased members of the Council

  • May Crowning

  • Council sponsored Children’s Halloween and Christmas parties

  • Carmelite Home for Girls

  • Cheeseburger activities

  • Support to the troops and disabled veterans

  • Community food pantries

  • Bakeless Bake Sale

  • Fundraisers

  • Girl Scouts

  • Boy Scouts

  • Cancer Center

  • Community disasters and more





Attendance at the Columbian Ladies of Lansing meeting:


Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Kasey's Banquet hall located at 17800 Lorenz Avenue, Lansing, IL. (We sometimes meet at 6:30 when we serve food other than refreshments.) There are no meetings in July and August of 2022.

General Meeting Dates/our next meeting will be:​​


TBD by the Columbian Ladies.



See the tab on this website for directions and above for our next meeting dates.

Please see the How to Join tab on this website, on how to join the Lansing Columbian Ladies of Council # 3540.


Membership Dues for a Lansing Columbian Ladies of Council # 3540:

Dues are $10.00 per year, payable in September of the new fiscal year. The fiscal year for the Lansing Columbian Ladies of Council # 3540 is from September 1 to August 31 of the next year.

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