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Members of the Council....

Join us at our future events, for the opportunity to tighten up our Brotherhood binds - no time for weak links!

See the latest images on your OFFICERS page!

Also, the council NOW has an INSTAGRAM page, so help us to go VIRAL!




12/3/24 Lansing Council General Meeting, Kasey’s Banquet Hall -


Lakeside room - Open to the Public 8:00 p.m.

12/4/24 4th Degree Samuel Cardinal Stritch Assembly # 205 meeting Visit: Assembly for details.


12/16/24 Columbian Club Meeting, Kasey’s Banquet Hall-Restaurant - Open to the Public 7:30 p.m 

12/24/24 Happy Birthday - Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

1/18/25 Council Spelling Bee - details to follow.

73 Years of Tradition - for the Lansing Council # 3540:


Inspired by the works of the Knights of Columbus in other communities, a group of Knights, members from various councils and living in Lansing, and all members of St. Ann’s parish, consulted with their Pastor, Rev. Fr. Francis Bellerive and his assistants, Rev. Raphael Orozco and Rev. John Eichelman about forming a Knights of Columbus council in Lansing. These men saw the need for a catholic fraternal organization in the community. Like Fr. Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus in 1882 in New Haven, CT., these men too saw what an organization of Catholic men could accomplish. Their vision was to encourage other Catholic men to join the order and help spread the works of the Knights of Columbus. The council was established on June 22, 1952. See the "about us" tab more council history.

Our 4 Principles:












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  • All Souls Catholic Parish
Lansing Council # 3540
Columbian Ladies of 3540
4th Degree Stritch Assembly
All Souls Parish
Pray for all our sponsored Seminarians, Details are HERE!
Have YOU paid your annual Dues?  Did your physical address & telephone number change?!  Want to add your e-mail address with the council?! Contact 3540's Financial Secretary:
Make your easy payment via: PAYPAL, Contact the F.S. above for all of the details.
Membership to the Knights of Columbus! (quick link - scan the QR code to join....)

Newman Fund 2024-2025

2024 newman.PNG

For those that would like to give to the Newman fund, please scan the QR code to donate.


Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest

The goal of this program is to increase the awareness of young people’s faith, while encouraging them to speak to other youth “in their own language” about the true meaning of Christmas.

Contest entrants compete in one of three age groups — ages 5 through 7, ages 8 through 10 and 11 through 14. Some schools may have different age brackets for their elementary and middle schools.


Poster must reflect the theme of Keep Christ in Christmas. Sach poster should be the original work (including concept, layout, slogan and any visual images) of a single person.

Poster should be approximately 11x17 inches.


However, the supreme Council will not disqualify based on poster size. If pastels, chalk or charcoal are used, the poster must be laminated or covered with clear plastic.


Each poster must be submitted with a completely filled out/signed Knights of Columbus Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest entry form (#5025) [link to document is here] — make sure your council number (3540) is included.

The name and age of the entrant should be printed on the reverse side of the poster in case the poster and entry form get separated.

All entries become property of the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council. Posters cannot be returned in most cases.

Timeline for 2024-25

  • Contest begins October 26th and runs through Monday December 2nd.

  • Council judging to be completed by December 31st with delivery to your District Deputy 

  • District Deputy judging before your Chapters January 2025 meeting 

  • Chapter judging by January 31, 2025 with delivery to the State Chair 

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